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(1) # of suicides per 100,000

(2) Income level per person

(3) State population

(4) % increase suicide

(5) # of call centers per state

(6) Calls answered #’s and %’s

(7) Calls unanswered #’s and %’s

Collected spreadsheet data: Here

As I was looking at social issues, I found it important to take in both the emotional aspect and the data points. Both are equally important. I was interested in finding visual patterns within different states based on their changing variables. 

Using these parameters, I used p5.js to create shapes unique to each state. I noticed that the states that are doing better are rounder/fuller in shape. The states that are struggling created straighter and flatter geometries. That being said, I did notice that the states that are more equipped to handle deeper social situations were the ones that had several call centers (as opposed to just 1 or 2) and had better funding. That's something to think about.

For more information on: 

Call Center Data: Here

CDC Suicide Data: Here

Income Levels: Here

Census Data: Here

Leading "Best" States


Leading "Worst" States

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